Wednesday, May 18, 2011

King Henry VIII

King Henry VIII was born the 28th of June, 1491 and died on the 28th of January, 1547. His reign was over England and he reigned 37 years. He was crowned on the 24th of June 1509 when he was only seventeen years old. Besides for his six marriages, Henry was known for his part in the splitting of the Church of England and the Catholic Church. He made troubles with Rome and the papal authority, so he became the Supreme Head of the Church of England. He created monasteries with the same Catholic teachings since he himself was Catholic. Henry was a very proud and charismatic man. He wanted an heir to his thrown because he thought that a daughter would not be good enough to rule the Tudor Dynasty. He English Reformation was created by him when he broke off from the pope. Many things triggered this such as the decline of feudalism and rise of nationalism, the rise of common law, the transmission of new ideas between higher class and lower class people and the spread of ideas throughout the nation. He created a Church for England and set up common laws where people could divorce. Since he had six wives who were Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr. Their deaths were in this chronicle order: divorced, executed, died, divorced executed and alive or widowed. He did many things for England like making it its own nation, but he was very close to his ego. He became morbidly obese and insecure of being a fit king. He was not very intelligent about financial issues like making palaces and  hanging 10000 tapestries in each. He also declared himself supreme head of Church in 1534 and he liked to be brutal. All in all Henry was not so useful, but he did in fact brake off from Rome.
  Ghost of King Henry.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What was the goal of the Crusades and what were the effects of the Crusades on life in Europe?

The goal of the Crusades were to get back the Holy Land that was Jerusalem and "unite" the people. Pope Urban II called for the war because he thought that Jerusalem was Christian and it would give the Church more influence. Then Jerusalem was held by Arabs and they allowed Christians to visit. Around the 1000s the Seljuk Turks took control and closed the trade routes. The Byzantine emperor and the Pope decided to work together to fight off the Turks. They succeeded in 1096 which was the first and most successful Crusade. The effects of the Crusade were that people united by under the one Church, the trade routes opened which made more population, goods, improved economy and people started to use currencies. Also, treaties were made by King Richard and Saladin a Turkish leader who got the Holy Land back in the second Crusade in 1187. This brought back the military strategies that was not so common. In addition to that, when the crusaders were brought to the Holy Land, the ships that brought them brought back rugs, jewelry, glass and spices which would later be demanded and revive the trade thus leading to growth of towns and cities. The most important effect was the new ideas and technology. In the Middle Ages, news theories were bing experimented but the Church did not approve of some. Scholars worked together to resolve the reason to discover truth which was not approved by the Church and ideas must be accepted which the Church enforced thus creating scholasticsm. The Arabian medicine, mathematics, technology, mapping skills and better designs of ships were  also developed into Europe and used frequently just because of the Crusades. Life became very cultural, religious and rich because of the trade, influence of the Church and the effects that the Crusades brought.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Charlemagne the Great

The skilled, intelligent and outstanding leader of the notorious Franks, Charlemagne was born on the 2nd of April 742. The son of King Pepin the Short and Betrada of Loan, a Frankish queen, he was probably born to succeed. After his father's death in 786, he co-ruled with his brother Carloman I. In 771, Carloman died unexpectedly and Charlemagne became the only ruler. He started conquering smaller and weaker empires, until he conquered many regions. There he built schools to spread language and beliefs, funded and issued money to improve the unstable economy. He ruled for 50 years until he died in Aachen on the 28th of January 814. This probably wouldn't have happened if the Roman Empire had not fallen, but he was considered and crowned a Roman Emperor in 786. Once he died, his three sons divided the empires which lead to them fighting, other empires attacking and the notorious Vikings attacking as well. 


Feudalism and the Manor System

To me the term feudalism means a type of system that is owned by someone wealthy or noble in the Middle Ages but were held by vassals because they were like a gift from their lords for being loyal and hard working. The manor system was a system that was set upon the rights and obligations between the lords and serfs. The lord provided the serfs/peasants housing, protection and farmland. In return the serfs/peasants worked certain hours for the lord, took care of his manor and did certain tasks. They also had to work certain days of the week and provide portion of their grain. Poor peasants remained poor for the rest of their lives because they could not buy their own freedom and their life depended on the decisions of the lord. Their children were also born in that family and the generation of poor peasants carried on. This effected their beliefs by either making them religious and praying to God for a miracle or they became very skeptic because their lives were so horrid. The peasants could not save their money nor marry rich people, so they had to work for the rest of their poor and miserable lives. These stories about knights and princesses is all fake because not all the people were harmonious and no peasant could marry a rich person. They just had to live with having the short end of the stick.

Renaissance Faire Reflection

The Renaissance Fair was an enormous project that required so much effort in such a small period of time. The preparation was long and tedious since we needed to learn how to play the recorder, learn the Shakespeare lines and create an invention for D.T. I think we handled it excellently and used the time very wisely. Our inventions were quickly made, we were very successful with our recorders considering the fact that we not quite musical and the lines were learned perfectly. During the faire I felt really excited and happy because I was with my friends and we were showing off our skills and hard work. I loved the costumes and I think we could have easily been thought of as very prepared students. We worked very well together and if I could, I would do it again!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Islamic Presentations- 8A

During this whole week, my class presented various topics about Islam. Here I will write what I learned from each fascinating topic and the presenter.

Geography of the Arabian Peninsula- Alon
I learned that Arab means nomad and it is a person from the Arabian Peninsula. If you are an Arab, that does not make you Muslim, it just makes you a native person of the land. I also learned that Yemen is the most fertile country because it close to water and it has monsoon seasons. The Arabian Peninsula has no rivers, but it is surrounded by the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Persian Gulf surround it which gives it the water it needs.

Muslim Women- Ana
From this topic, I learned that the role of women and their rights have degraded. All men and women have spiritual rights, but they are mistreated, beat and cussed at. Women are also half the price of men and almost all receive female circumcision. I also learned that they can own land, divorce and inherit land but divorce is a slow and painful process. Bibi Aisha was a victim of the new Muslims due to her getting her nose and ear cut off because she did not agree to arranged marriages and ran away.

Islamic Religion- David
I learned that Islam means submission to God and that the nomads in fact spread Islam. Also that four chapters of the Quran are read during weddings and that the people pray five times a day;  dawn, midday, afternoon, after sunset and night. Ramadan is like the Islamic Christmas and Mohammad traveled to Medina in 622.

Military Before and During Islam- Simeon
From this topic I learned that Prophet Mohammad united the tribes into not making war and that starvation and the lack of owning oasis’ was what triggered wars. Most common weapon was the jambiya, and it was a dagger for military and ceremonies. Tabar was a battle axe and the scimitars were curved swords and symbolized Islam. 635-638- was when Mohammad conquered Mesopotamia, Palestine and Syria in 3 years and the highest peak was in 750.

Prophet Muhammad- Rea
Mohammad was born in Circa 570 and was later adopted by his uncle. There he grew and later started to own a caravan business. He then met his wife who was a 40 year old widow and he was only 25. They had 6 children, two of which his sons died. On Mount Hera he saw angel Gabriel and in 622 he migrated to Medina because the people felt threatened with his new religion so they wanted to assassinate him. Finally on June 8, 632 Mohammad died when he was 63 years old in Medina, Arabia.

Islamic Religion- Sara
I learned that the followers of Mohammad wrote the Quran and they were all men. Ramadan is in the 9th month of the year and on a new moon because that is when Allah gave Mohammad the holy Quran. There are 144 chapters and Laytalul Qadar is the night when the Quran was given and all sins are forgiven. During Ramadan, no one is allowed to eat, drink, smoke or do anything that involves bringing something into your body. Only when night falls are they allowed to feast. This is good for self discipline and it makes them a patient.

Architecture- Svetlana
The houses are usually rectangular and huge so that many families can live in the house. Inside are many passages and the rich houses have separate rooms for men and women whereas poor houses only have curtains to separate rooms. The outside is dull and only one door and a few windows which is good against the wind, but inside it is heavily ornate and decorated. Also the Taj Mahal is the biggest and most famous Islamic architectural palace.          
Trade in the Islamic Empire- Annie
From this topic I learned not only that the Islamic people created the silk road and thats how they spread their empire, but they also influenced Renaissance. They questioned the world and built machines to improve life. They also grew smarter and wrote things down so that they can share it with future generations. Many cities had their own goods that they exported which lead to wealth and popularity.

Islamic Extremism

The topic which I had to present was the well-debated Islamic extremism theory. Many people are biased about this topic, so I chose to give both sides of the story and introduce what causes this kind of extremism. Many say that Islamic extremism is triggered by the jihad, religious manipulation and greed for power and money. Jihad is the effort to practice religion in the face of persecution and oppression. Many Muslims are forced or manipulated to become a Jihadist which leads to extremism and killing. Also, to become a true Muslim you have to become a jihadist. Greedy Muslims influenced Islam by using technology, opening schools and creating the Tabligns force to teach future generations the wrong things, thus creating confusion and violence. Terrorists distract the countries agenda so that they can get the attention and money they crave. They then create large groups to get even more power and use the communistic “united front” strategy when a band of extremists make a common cause with other groups to gain even more power. They use innocent people and brainwash people to do their dirty work. For my project I used PowerPoint, videos and various images to make my topic come alive and more interesting. I think that I taught my class a valuable lesson about one of the most misunderstood topics ever. I hope that they left the classroom with a new perspective and with understanding.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Golden Age of Muslim Civilization

How did geography and trade contribute to the growth of the Muslim Empire, the spread of Islam and the achievements of the Golden Age?

The geography of the Arabian Peninsula is very harsh and hard to live on. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is covered in vast deserts, the occasional oasis and very little rainfall. But how did this empire grow to become so successful? Due to the geography being so harsh, all people became nomads. 
The traveled around in their caravans and since there is not much they could earn by moving around, they became traders or Bedouins. The deserts led people to guide traders to their desired locations. Also, many nomads became traders and traveled all over the Empire, going place to place, sharing ideas, attaining ideas, spreading their new religious beliefs and selling their objects to benefit the Empire. The geography caused the people to move around and mingle with other people which caused the Empire to grow in the sense of wealth, trade and religion. Christians on the eastern and southern coats of the Mediterranean converted to Islam and that made the empire grow. Soldiers from the Muslim Empire tried to defeat the Roman, Byzantine and Persian empires, they could not, but instead waited and when they became weaker and defeated, the Muslims would attack and conquer. The achievements of the Golden Age were all based on how successful the Muslim Empire was. Since all faiths could be practiced in the Muslim Empire, many people moved and shared their ideas which led to new ideas, people working on old ideas such as Greek and Indian. The Golden Age was a time when people started to improve on math, poetry and science. Scholars like al- Kindi said that people should not be ashamed of studying other peoples' history and with that scholars created algebra, numbers, poetry and the famous Whirling Dervishes.
 All these achievements were used to benefit the people, for example: poetry was used to teach ideas and beliefs. Hardly any of this would be possible without trade which brought money. Money paid musicians and singers which made it so popular. Yes, the geography seems to not be beneficial, but in fact it is. It gave the Muslim Empire money and patience. Without it, nothing would have been possible! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bedouin Life

It's a hot summers day
and we set out to pray,
hoping that todays day will bring us salvation.
Two traders appear, one from far and one from near,
to ask our help in finding the trade route.
We agree to help out and without any doubts, we set off to their desired location.
The camel's feet step into the glossy, yellow sand,
whilst the sun burns hard upon us.
The wind blows softly making a hushing sound,
and the view seems as if it's just a back round.
We walk slow,  but in order to go, we need to make a stop for some water.
The camel falls to its knees, while we get off and step on our feet we notice a snake coming towards us.
The traders scream and shout, though we have no doubts, we are Bedouins;
we handle this situation.
We grab a spear, and without any fear, we attack the snake head on.
The snake falls quickly to our surprise and it is time for us to begone.
We walk day and night, stopping at each oasis site,
refilling our water and energy.

We pray once more as we set out for more;
hoping Allah will guide us.
The site in front of us is the town Mecca,
where each one of us must meet and heal our aura.

The traders thank us and give us a few bucks,
we have now made our pay to feed the little mouths that need food and love.
The traders open their sacks and inside are gold, expensive cloths, spice, incense and tusks.

We walk around the center, seeing people of all kinds and with husks.
The trek back to our nomadic families is long and hard,
but we know we have succeed from the start.
And so each week is based like this,
we will work for Allah and never dismiss.
He keeps us safe and keeps us going,
even when we are aging.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

End of Byzantine Empire Reflection

Imagine someone saying to you, "Learning about the Byzantine Empire isn't very important since it's long gone!" What would you tell them in order to change their mind? (include at least 2 visuals in your post)

I would tell me that without learning about the past, humans can't improve the future or in this case know about our ancestors or how Christianity and the Eastern Orthodox Church came to be. We need to learn about these things so that we can be educated to know what are the differences between religions and how they came to be. For example, Constantine introduced Christianity to Constantinople and then the church broke off into two branches of Eastern Orthodox. Justinian then built the Hagia Sophia which is one of the biggest orthodox churches to have ever been built and one of the oldest to be still standing. Lets say you go for a holiday, you choose to go to Istanbul. While your sight seeing, your family member asks you what is that giant building. How would you know what it is? Aren't you curious? You can't forget important happenings in history because it shapes our future. Also, learning about the Byzantine Empire will give you a perspective on how democracy and laws were made. For example, we still use the Justinian code. We also use the Jurist's decision which is when a judge can grant a privilege to make a law on court cases. These two are called statutory laws and common laws which are still used today. If you choose to become a lawyer as your future career motive, then you must know these laws and if you were taught in school about the Byzantine Empire then you will have less struggles in learning about the laws. In addition to that you need to know how cities came to be. For example, Istanbul was a Christian city which then changed to an Eastern Orthodox city and then finally the Ottoman Turks conquered the city and named it Istanbul which it is today. Lastly, learning about the past makes you an intelligent person. You never know when you might need to talk about the Byzantine Empire, or when you are applying for college or taking an IQ test, you might need to know these things. 
Below: Hagia Sophia and a view of Istanbul

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Mosaic

The cross that I chose is called the Slavonic Cross or the Slavic Cross. It is mostly used by Eastern Catholics and Russian Orthodox, it is also the Byzantine cross with the footrest diagonal. The slant is said to represent heaven which is the top of the cross and the bottom is for the sinners or hell. The "X" shape also symbolizes the cross which St. Andrew was crucified. The first bar on the cross is where Jesus's head was. The top of it that has three sides one to the left, right and up means the father, the son and the holy spirit. The middle bar was where the hands were nailed. The lower bar, as I mentioned, has many meanings but I think the most logical one is who is on Jesus's right side will go to heaven and those on the left will go to hell.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mosaic Field Trip

1. Describe the mosaic you have chosen to include details about figures, colours, clothing, objects etc.
2. Does the mosaic follow the "rules" according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art?
3. Is this mosaic a good example of Byzantine Art? Why/not?

1. The mosaic I have chosen is Jesus being put on the crucifix. On the mosaic there are a lot of shadowing. For example the cloth that Jesus wearing is blue and white with some brown to make it look like it is folded. The stars are gold and the back round is light blue. To make the stars look like they are shining, there is a circle around the star which is dark blue, making it look like it shines and is a holy star. Around the crucifix is a brown boarded to make it look 3D, but the original colour is green. There are four objects which are nails in Jesus's hands and feet. They are also made to look 3D and brown with red. The red is the blood dripping. The details on this mosaic are Jesus's facial features, his upper body and knees. His hair has different shades and his torso has different shades. His knees also have different shades to show they are facing another way that shows a shadow. Below the crucifix isa pile of rocks that are different colours to show different kinds of rocks. The grass is green with different shades to indicate shadows and where the grass is.
2. This mosaic does follow the rules but lacks the floating feet. It has a frontal figure in full length, a meaningful gesture which is the famous one of Jesus being on the cross, the placement shows he is hanging on the cross, the shadows are define by outlines, the composition is balanced, the natural setting is not as important as the scene itself,  the colours are strong and brilliant along with the patterns on the cloth which are blue and white lines and the story is clear.
3. This mosaic is a good example of Byzantine Art because it depicts an important story in history. It also follows the rules of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is also interesting and also made up to mosaic expectations.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Becoming a Saint?

When the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church split, becoming a saint was two different ways in two different lights. To become a saint in the Roman Catholic church you had to go through a process called canonization which is to become a saint. In fact, both churches use this method. In the E.O church, one of the most famous saints was Basil of Ostrog, Saint Basil or in Serbian, Sveti Vasilije Ostroski. He was born in Herzegovina and became a monk at a Monastery name Dormition Tvrdos near Trebinje. He was chosen to become a saint through acts of kindness, holiness, charity and the determination to his religion. To have an even stricter life, he moved to the mountains called Ostrog. There he lived in a cave to his death, praying for everyone and living a very humble life. After his death there, the cave in which he lived in became a monastery and his remains had miracles. It was said that the remains had a sweet scent and when touched, people would be cured from illnesses. Since I am an Eastern Orthodox follower, I was told of the story how every time something horrible happens to an E.O family or they are in search of guidance, you need to pray to Saint Basil and he will always help. To become a saint you need to be very humble, caring, religious and work any kind of miracle.

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Question #7 The Byzantine Empire

    Which civilization do you think was the most advanced-that of the Greeks, the Romans, or the Byzantines. Write a speech explaining your answer.
    I think that the most advanced civilization was the Greek. Firstly, because they were the "first" to start off the civilizations in Europe. The Greeks were scattered around mountains making them isolated. Being intelligent, they  used the water to get to other people, products and ideas. They then sailed to Persia and Egypt. Without them, no one would have thought about the ideas we use nowadays. Secondly, the influence they gave to other civilizations. Without the Greeks, arts, literature, ideas, language, religion, architecture and education the Romans and Byzantines wouldn't have been anything. The Greek influence were very strong in both civilizations which caused them to be remember and reign even when they fell. It takes a lot of advancement to be a influence to other civilizations. They managed to accomplish that and their legacy remained. The arts gave the Romans and Byzantines their ideas and ways to make art. Their literature gave educated people who could read and write, this gives even us a view on ancient lives. The ideas pretty much gave the civilization life, thanks to the Greeks. The language made trade, ideas shared, writing, reading and education to the Romans and Byzantines. The religion started off polytheistic which was used as the Roman religion. The Romans built many things based on the Greek architecture and without them nothing would be none of this would be possible. Thirdly, their history. Many mistakes made by the Greeks were used to improve the Roman and Byzantine civilizations. Since they were the oldest, they gave the younger civilizations a good idea how to be led and to be advanced. In conclusion, I think that the Greek civilization was the most advanced because they were the "first" to start off, they gave the most influence and their history gave the other civilizations advancement. Without the Greek civilization, the Romans and Byzantines would have never developed.