Sunday, May 15, 2011

Feudalism and the Manor System

To me the term feudalism means a type of system that is owned by someone wealthy or noble in the Middle Ages but were held by vassals because they were like a gift from their lords for being loyal and hard working. The manor system was a system that was set upon the rights and obligations between the lords and serfs. The lord provided the serfs/peasants housing, protection and farmland. In return the serfs/peasants worked certain hours for the lord, took care of his manor and did certain tasks. They also had to work certain days of the week and provide portion of their grain. Poor peasants remained poor for the rest of their lives because they could not buy their own freedom and their life depended on the decisions of the lord. Their children were also born in that family and the generation of poor peasants carried on. This effected their beliefs by either making them religious and praying to God for a miracle or they became very skeptic because their lives were so horrid. The peasants could not save their money nor marry rich people, so they had to work for the rest of their poor and miserable lives. These stories about knights and princesses is all fake because not all the people were harmonious and no peasant could marry a rich person. They just had to live with having the short end of the stick.

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