Monday, May 16, 2011

What was the goal of the Crusades and what were the effects of the Crusades on life in Europe?

The goal of the Crusades were to get back the Holy Land that was Jerusalem and "unite" the people. Pope Urban II called for the war because he thought that Jerusalem was Christian and it would give the Church more influence. Then Jerusalem was held by Arabs and they allowed Christians to visit. Around the 1000s the Seljuk Turks took control and closed the trade routes. The Byzantine emperor and the Pope decided to work together to fight off the Turks. They succeeded in 1096 which was the first and most successful Crusade. The effects of the Crusade were that people united by under the one Church, the trade routes opened which made more population, goods, improved economy and people started to use currencies. Also, treaties were made by King Richard and Saladin a Turkish leader who got the Holy Land back in the second Crusade in 1187. This brought back the military strategies that was not so common. In addition to that, when the crusaders were brought to the Holy Land, the ships that brought them brought back rugs, jewelry, glass and spices which would later be demanded and revive the trade thus leading to growth of towns and cities. The most important effect was the new ideas and technology. In the Middle Ages, news theories were bing experimented but the Church did not approve of some. Scholars worked together to resolve the reason to discover truth which was not approved by the Church and ideas must be accepted which the Church enforced thus creating scholasticsm. The Arabian medicine, mathematics, technology, mapping skills and better designs of ships were  also developed into Europe and used frequently just because of the Crusades. Life became very cultural, religious and rich because of the trade, influence of the Church and the effects that the Crusades brought.

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