Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mosaic Field Trip

1. Describe the mosaic you have chosen to include details about figures, colours, clothing, objects etc.
2. Does the mosaic follow the "rules" according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art?
3. Is this mosaic a good example of Byzantine Art? Why/not?

1. The mosaic I have chosen is Jesus being put on the crucifix. On the mosaic there are a lot of shadowing. For example the cloth that Jesus wearing is blue and white with some brown to make it look like it is folded. The stars are gold and the back round is light blue. To make the stars look like they are shining, there is a circle around the star which is dark blue, making it look like it shines and is a holy star. Around the crucifix is a brown boarded to make it look 3D, but the original colour is green. There are four objects which are nails in Jesus's hands and feet. They are also made to look 3D and brown with red. The red is the blood dripping. The details on this mosaic are Jesus's facial features, his upper body and knees. His hair has different shades and his torso has different shades. His knees also have different shades to show they are facing another way that shows a shadow. Below the crucifix isa pile of rocks that are different colours to show different kinds of rocks. The grass is green with different shades to indicate shadows and where the grass is.
2. This mosaic does follow the rules but lacks the floating feet. It has a frontal figure in full length, a meaningful gesture which is the famous one of Jesus being on the cross, the placement shows he is hanging on the cross, the shadows are define by outlines, the composition is balanced, the natural setting is not as important as the scene itself,  the colours are strong and brilliant along with the patterns on the cloth which are blue and white lines and the story is clear.
3. This mosaic is a good example of Byzantine Art because it depicts an important story in history. It also follows the rules of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is also interesting and also made up to mosaic expectations.

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