Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fall of the Roman Empire

The reason why the Roman Empire started to fall apart was mainly because it weakened. The major contributors were the geography, economic decline, growth of government, decline in work, lack of technology and military defeat. Geography because the empire was like a donut making attacks easy and the resources along with many soldiers had to be produced to keep attacks away. The growth of government because the rich started to get greedy, they wasted valuable resources, the fight for being leader was making a disturbance and the civil war broke out leaving the people in need of money. The decline in work because the large amounts of death made less slaves and less work! Lack of technology because no goods were made to be used for trade and the human labor was not improved which made less people work. The most important one which is military was because they just weren't strong enough. I think it was inevitable because everything good must come to an end and the Roman Empire was too big. When you can't find a leader nor control the people, you have a serious problem. The empire was too vast to be controlled and there wasn't a strong enough leader to lead it through the hard period. Alas, this all contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire and I think it's a pity that it did. It could have lasted longer with some guidance.

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